Wednesday, February 17, 2010


I had the pleasure of watching the Olympics Opening Cerimony!!!! It was so beautiful! The pow-wow Natives, the great dancers and the special effects were all AWESOME! I loved the part with the whales swimming and spurting across the floor! What a cool stage! I loved how they represented each regeon and season. It made me really miss the West Coast...But I'll be back again! Someday....
I haven't been the most loyal watcher, but I'm enjoying what I've been watching. Tonight I saw Shawni Davis the speed skater win gold!!! What a great race! He was racing so hard and them BOOM he's waaaay ahead of the Korean skater! But I kept thinking "Colbert is there! Colbert is there!" Because I saw the episode of The Colbert Report where they raced...Shawni 13 minutes I think haha That was a great episode!

Now I'm watching the women's downhill sking races. It's so intense! Three girls have already fallen! The USA is DOMINATING! My roommates are suprised how I get in to watching sports. It's a drug to me (to quote a famous Vampire :) Naw, it's just fun to get excited! I like competition, if I'm not in it haha So GO WORLD! It's great if we win, but if we lose to someone awesome, that's ok with me :) But we won this one! Go L.VONN!!! What an incredible run!

Last night was Fat Tuesday, I guess, because at around 10pm last night, Keeley and I were getting in bed (yeah, we're workin' girls now...wait...not like that, but you get the gist haha) and we hear a band playing...a Marching Band?!? They were playing jazz variations of "When the Saints" haha! We couldn't see them from our windows but aparently there were clowns with them and guys on stilts! It sounded like they were having a lot of fun :) It was nice to go to sleep with them boogieing down the street. Chicago....Only in Chicago...I <3 Chicago...

We had class again today. I would MUCH rather be at my internship, but oh well. It's nice to have a change of pace. Inspired by our books we're reading, including The Saint's Guide to Happiness by Robert Ellsberg, we did some mindful meditation in my Vocations Class. I'm not much for meditation but it was pretty nice, actually. I was able to clear my head and just breathe. It's kinda hard to slow down sometimes, so it was refreshing. Most people reacted in mental ways. I reacted physically. I was very aware of my inner strength. So Thanks Keeley for getting me to work out! My subconscious must be aware of these physical changes. Sweet! But I also started crying a bit...don't know exactly why but I have a theory....

On top of my Dad's cancer coming back, last week I was hit with another blow in that my grandpa had a major stroke that put him in the hospital. I was kind of expecting him to go but he can't yet! He doesn't know the love of Jesus! So prayers that he would be more open to Jesus would be almost impossible...almost...keehee There's always hope in the Lord :) But now he's actually doing better than he was before the stroke! How awesome is that!

UPDATE ON DAD: he went in for some tests and they found out how much cancer is in there, but they're going to do some scans to find out where it is. Chemo is deffinately his best option and he'll start as soon as he can. He should be done with all that by May so that he can get me home and go to Graduation. Praise the Lord! Thanks everyone for your support and prayers.

I love and miss you all!

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