Sunday, May 16, 2010

An Insane Week!

Much has happened so here's a low-down of the BIG EVENTS in my life; Leaving Chicago and Graduation! 

Wednesday, May 5th

Last Day in Chicago, Last Day of Classes: Dad arrived to pack me up after a crazy day at classes. Everyone saying goodbye, turning everything in and relieved that it's all over (at least for the graduates!) 

Dad and I walked along Lake Shore just far enough to get all the way down to where we wanted to eat supper; Heaven on Seven. The atmosphere was a little squished, but that's because we were crowded with walls full of different kids of Tabasco sauce. Oh glorious! The food was excellent because it was true to the Creole food we had in New Orleans a few years ago.

That evening we packed up all my stuff with welcome interruptions from friends saying good bye. I miss you all!

Thursday, May 6th

Dad and I drove back to Minnesota with a stop at Wrigley Field on our way out of Chicago. We also made a pit stop for lunch at a German restaurant in Wisconsin. Good Choice!

Friday, May 7th

Headed down to Orange City with my parents and sister in time for the beautiful Baccalaureate service. That was worth the trip down to worship with my classmates. I'm going to miss the Chapel, the fellowship and all the hugs! Later that night, Sam and I were able to catch up with others from our class at a grad party hosted by a few mutual friends. We ran into many friends who we wouldn't have seen otherwise. One rather memorable encounter involved Jill Swanson, Sam and Susan. We created and practiced a language where every word started with "V" For example you would say "Vello, Vow Vare Vu?" We became quite good at it! But sometimes we would get confused about what a person was saying and they would have to act it out. Jill and I found out that we both had the same sinus surgery! We were relieved to know that someone else had gone through it too. Although, I must say, that my experience was more pleasant than Jill's...poor girl had a horror story of a time of recovery! Praise the Lord that didn't happen to me, but I'm glad I took the time to recover well. Anyways, the night was great for connecting with people again.

Saturday, May 8th

GRADUATION DAY! That was the morning I got all dressed up in my lovely new dress, conveniently covered with my robe (haha) and topped off with the cap precariously perched on top of my head. We walked together, listened and laughed while Vonder Bruegge described the excitement of what we were going through. He tailored it to most majors, showing how brilliant and witty he is. Ironically, he was the first prof I met four years ago. Very fitting for him to send me out into the world!


After all the traveling, I took some time to recuperate.  Now I'm working with Brandon, helping out with Mom's preschool, and actively looking for a job!

Prayers would be most welcome! I'll keep you all posted!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Experiencing Culture: Sports, Dance and Art!


On Sunday, April 18th we went to a Cubs game at Wrigley Field! It was a fun game because we were ahead most of the time, but then we had to let two runs by us and we LOST in the 10th sad...and it didn't help that we were in the shade and the wind, but we survived! Popcorn, hot dogs and a little bit of coffee helped too. The stadium was different from Safeco Field where I grew up watching the Mariners, but it was fun to be a part of something that tens of thousands of people we watching together. It was a blast!

On Thursday, April 22nd, for our LAST Art Event we saw Billy Elliot the Musical! The dancing, music and acting was fantastic! I love the movie, so it wasn't hard to like this production. It was very 42nd street many times with all the fun dances the kids did. However, I forgot how sad the story can be at times with the struggle between Billy, his brother and their dad. The way the miner's strike was dramatized through song and dance illustrated well how that was affecting their family. The kids in the show were so talented! The Billy we saw was fun to watch because he was so cute and danced so well. The only thing that didn't transfer from the movie to the stage show was in the movie it was a harder to believe that he could be such a good dancer, but going into the show you know already that he's a dancer. So that sense of surprise and wonderment was lost a little bit. But the kids in the show were talented beyond believe so that's where that element is slightly regained. Overall, a wonderful evening of entertainment!

Ruth came to visit from Omaha this past weekend! (April 23-25) I was so excited to show her where I live and what a weekend in Chicago can be like. Of course the rain didn't help, but that seems to be my curse: when friends come, Chicago pours it's love with essence of wetness from the skies....Boo....But we had a blast! She wants to live in Chicago now. I knew she would! When she got in Friday night we hit the town and had a drink with Matt and Meredith at Pippins! It's a fun place because it's homey and spacious. The service was quick and friendly and we were able to hear each other speak, most of the time, anyways. 

Saturday we used the free family pass to go the Chicago Institute of Art! It was incredible! I didn't get to see the classical  side of the Museum when we went to the Modern Wing, so this was a treat. There were so many rooms full of masterpieces that I had only dreamed of seeing for myself. The most exciting one for me was seeing George Seurat's "La Grande Jette!" And boy was it GRANDE! It took up almost an entire wall! There were so many colors in it that you never see in the print copies, such as the blue and red border or dots. It looks like he might have been testing paint colors there and decided to turn it into a border. Weird, but cool. I have been wanting to see this painting since fourth grade when we made our own mini versions of it. It captured my imagination so it was fulfilling to see it for myself.

After we had seen almost every piece in the Art Institute, Rachel joined us to see The Bean and go shopping! I found my graduation dress at Ann Taylor Loft downtown. It's just what I wanted: something summery, but not floral, a classic color and a style that fits my body well, but mostly, I needed to feel pretty, and I DO! So it's perfect! 

The rest of the weekend was spent recovering from our big day, watched a movie at the apartment, went to church, got soaked trying to find a place to eat for lunch, but we recovered in a tea shop just down the street from my place. We wanted to go to the beach, but the weather was not usual...So we got lunch, packed her up and sent her back home. Sadness! Ever since, she's been telling me she wants to come back! Not surprising at all, to me. 

More to come as I wrap up my time in Chicago!